Refinancing During Corona Virus Uncertainty - The dilemma at hand. As of late, a similar question keeps coming up. Refinance? Should I or shouldn't I? Please help. Another similar topic that admittedly causes confusion and some misconception is the fed funds rate and how it affects a mortgage rate. Specifically, a question written by a concerned
How to Finance a Home When You Have a Tax Lien or a Court Judgement? When you have tax liens like from IRS, a state tax lien or a have a judgment from an old unpaid bill, the outcome is the same. Either of the two would block you from access finance for your new home. A
21.3 million U.S renters spend 30% of their income on rent Rent in the US Practically, half of the U.S renters are burdened by the costs, a new survey has revealed. This comes against a backdrop of a 0.1 percent drop in rent in the US in September. As it turns out, the rent prices are up once
FHFA Announces Maximum Conforming Loan Limits for 2019 The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has announced its new Conforming loan limits for 2019. During the announcement, FHFA increased their limits for the loans acquired by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. FHFA is increasing its loan limits for the third straight year in a row after
The Impact of Federal Interest Rate Hike Federal Interest Rate The Federal Interest Rate has just suffered a third-time increase this year. What occurs in the past year with the federal interest rate is that the Federal Reserve has raised its benchmark interest rates to the range between 2.00%-2.25%. This happens to be the seventh time the Feds