How Should You Structure A Construction Loan? Construction Loan Quite often you want to purchase a house that is in the desired neighborhood and the best school district in Las Vegas. Maybe it has nice bones and lots of character. On the other hand, is old and to put it mildly a little dated. You
What Type of Properties Can You Buy with a Low Down Payment Mortgage? Low Down Payment A low down payment option is the best alternative when you want to get a property. Casey with Las Vegas Custom Loans can guide you in this. No matter the type of property you need. It presents the opportunity to
Higher Loan Limits in for Clark County, Nevada Higher Loan Limits New, higher loan limits in 2019. This means more options for homebuyers in Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada! The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) raises the 2019 maximum conforming loan limit for one-unit properties in most areas to $484,350. This reflects a $31,250 increase
Mortgage loan types currently available for you? Mortgage Loan Types Fixed rate mortgage loan types. Fixed rate mortgage loans have the same interest rate for the entire repayment period. With the monthly principal portion being also constant you will pay the same amount of money month after month, year after year. 2. Adjustable rate mortgage
The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Jumbo Loan If you are dreaming of purchasing an expensive house or you just want to relocate in an area with high property values, you will probably need a jumbo loan. “Jumbo mortgages are home loans that exceed conforming loan limits. A jumbo loan is one way to buy a