You’re an expert real estate agent. You’re an experienced agent who knows the market well and are good at what you do. But you’re starving for business. Even in this staggering market you know that there is business out there for you, but you can’t seem to pin it down. You spend a considerable amount of time wondering what’s wrong.
Chances are you are making the same mistakes other experienced agents make. Just because you’ve been in the business for umpteen years doesn’t mean you’re exempt from simple slip-ups such as lack of education, lack of marketing, complacency and inconsistent follow-up.
- Lack of Education
Practiced agents are so “busy” planning their disorganized businesses that they do not carve out enough time for education. A huge percentage of the real estate community only thinks of required credits classes when it’s time for license renewal, or when they want a designation next to their name. Knowledge teaches us new ways to streamline and simplify our work.
- Lack of Marketing
The real estate industry is notorious for putting out poor-quality marketing material. But marketing is essential. You’re material must be “exceptional” to stand “out of the box”. So you’re going to have to substantially invest in your marketing up front to reap consistent profits over time. Don’t just sit around and wait for referrals and leads. If you haven't considered building your website, why not? Most agents are given a webpage as part of their licensing. If it's just sitting their not bringing in leads, then start discovering how to use it. Anyone that says the internet is not the place for real estate and mortgages, I guarantee you has not tried or is to intimidated. I can't say enough about what the internet can do for you and your business.
- Inconsistent Follow-Up
Client follow-up is an important—and often neglected—art. In order to succeed in real estate, you must leave your clients with a positive, indelible impression. Your goal should be to provide them with “exceptional” personalized service. It is easier to convert prospects than to find new ones. So make the effort to follow up—and watch your client base grow. Make an effort to contact your client 30 days after the transaction, then every three months after that.