Generally, people only think of visiting a mortgage broker or lender when they're considering the purchase of a home or other real estate. You need financing, so you seek out a source. And, we're here, sincerely desirous of your trust and consideration. But, if you're a seller in today's market, it's unlikely you've thought about giving us a call. After all, you don't need a mortgage, you just need to sell your home. In the current Las Vegas real estate climate, that's a tough enough proposition. There is high inventory, foreclosure price competition, and generally a shortage of motivated buyers. Or, is there really?
There is a large pool of motivated buyers out there, but many never even go home shopping. They have a common problem in many cases that keeps them out of the market; they have poor credit scores. What if you could advertise your home with help for this group of potential buyers? We have help in place for improving credit scores, and would love to help a buyer to realize their dream of owning your home. How can we make this happen for you as a seller? Just come in and give us the details of your home, preferably before you even list it. We can work up some mortgage "what-ifs," and you can have them ready for potential buyers.
Then, market your home with ads that say you have help for the buyer with "less than stellar" credit scores. Ads saying things like "Mortgage help for low credit scores" and similar statements can bring you buyers that the competition will never see. True, if their scores are extremely low, we can't help. And, it just may take too long to get some scores up enough to get a loan. But, there is a group of buyers out there who think they can't purchase because of credit problems, and they aren't that far below the lending threshold. Tap a market with less competition and you just might sell your home sooner. And, these buyers will be more fixed on getting a loan than beating you up on price.