So much for the dire warning from President Bush that Congress was risking a Great Depression if it did not quickly fork over $700 billion to allegedly distressed U.S. financial institutions. The bill passed, but the unprecedented dough has done nothing to ease the current financial crisis. Foreclosures are on the rise, credit markets have worsened, and the stock market remains on a slippery slope.
Sadly, this government has once again turned its back on taxpayers across the board. Banks have been ripping consumers off for ages with the highest bank charges in the world, so why would they be in trouble? And why should taxpayers bail them out?
The first step in helping troubled homeowners has become the hottest lobbying game in town. Insurers, automakers and American subsidiaries of foreign banks all want a slice of the sugar pie. It is now clear that the bailout is no more than a heist of taxpayers’ dollars. In the shadow of the presidential election, the nine biggest banks were given $125 billion with the understanding they would send this fresh capital coursing into the economy in the form of loans. But the banks have been holding on to the cash, raking in big money on the interest alone.
The Fed, which is a corporation owned by wealthy bankers across the globe, has used fear mongering to sell its wars and bailouts to taxpayers. It has a vested interest in selling assets to the taxpayers, represented by Congress, for more than they are worth both to avoid loss, and create future profit. Henry Paulsen is a banker, and so are the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers, Barings, Schroeders, Morgan-Grenfels, Lazard Freres, and Brown-Shipley to name a few -- all operating under the British Empire AKA the “Crown”, the cabal at the helm of the currently dominant, parasitical world supra-organism manipulating multiple political, spiritual/psychological, military, economic and scientific entities for financial gain and power.