Government Home Loans: Find the Right Loan for You If you are like most people, and you do not have enough cash to go buy a property you will be happy to find out that there are several options of advantageous government home loans. Through these programs the US government offers solutions even to customers
Using an FHA Loan to Buy Multi-Family Homes Are you planning to start the real estate investing journey? In this case you should consider financing your investment property purchase with an FHA. Although most FHA loans are used for single-family homes, there are a few options available for buying a multi-family house. 203b Loan Program One
Understanding the requirements of an FHA Loan - Mortgage 101 Most first time home buyers are taking the most common approach: the typical bank loan, without considering other choices. However, if you take the time to research your options, you’ll be surprised to see that there are plenty of choices when it comes to mortgage
FHA Lowers Mortgage Insurance Save $$$ Lower FHA Mortgage Insurance + lower interest rates = BIG SAVINGS Effective January 26, 2015, HUD has reduced FHA Mortgage Insurance premiums by 0.50% or 50 basis points. Take advantage of this lower monthly premium If you have obtained an FHA mortgage within the recent few years, you might